Tunca Attorney Partnership took its place on the Top Tier List prepared by The Legal 500, the world's most respected law firms evaluation and ranking organization.
Corporate Law & Mergers, Acquisitions and Spin-offsWith its expert corporate staff in mergers & acquisitions, including cross-border transactions / agreements, privatizations and real estate investments, Tunca Attorney Partnership operates in many different sectors such as healthcare, retail, energy, automotive, food, construction, medicine, medical device, technology, electronic communications.
Energy and Mining LawTunca Attorney Partnership provides consultancy services for wind, solar, geothermal, thermal, hydroelectric power plant projects and water supply projects, as well as all kinds of commercial activities, permitting processes and criminal sanctions imposed by relevant institutions.
Public Procurement LawSince its establishment in 2004, Tunca Attorney Partnership, which has an experienced and expert staff in the field of Public Procurement Law, which has been the main subject of its business, has been supporting its clients both in the complaints and appeals complaints process during the pre-contract tender process; and conducts dispute resolution and litigation processes in contractual disputes.
Health and Pharmaceutical LawIn addition to the processes of making the necessary administrative correspondence, Tunca Attorney Partnership provides consultancy services, to the leading clients in the sector, in trademark and patent disputes and in various matters arising from national and international legislation and practice.
Banking and Finance LawThe developments in the fields of national and international trade, technology, informatics have brought along with them the need for financing from investments. The progress observed in terms of financing needs caused by increased investments, the diversity, number and numerical volume of the banking sector's business and transactions, has increased the requirements for legal regulation and legal counseling.
Electronic Communication LawWithin the scope of the relevant legislation and regulations, especially the Electronic Communication Law, Tunca Attorney Partnership serves its leading clients in the sector through mediation and litigation in the solution of consumer disputes.
International Commercial Law & ArbitrationTunca Attorney Partnership represents many national, international and multinational companies, which are plaintiffs, and state institutions that are defendants in dispute issues and processes arising from international trade and investment agreements.
Construction and Zoning LawTunca Attorney Partnership provides solutions to the legal problems faced by domestic and foreign clients operating in the sector, and by responding quickly to the emerging risks, it ensures that its clients are maximally affected by the possibilities of changing market conditions.
Intellectual and Industrial Property LawTunca Attorney Partnership, in addition to having extensive experience in IP-oriented sectors such as pharmaceuticals, pharmacological products, chemicals, medical devices, consumer electronics, textiles, lighting, optical technologies, electrical appliances, machinery, laser technology, fashion, shoes, media and entertainment, construction and real estate ...
Competition LawIn addition to representing its national and international clients with the Competition Authority and other regulatory institutions and courts, Tunca Attorney Partnership provides legal advice on compliance with relevant legislation and regulations.
Tax LawTunca Attorney Partnership, with its well-equipped legal experience, broadly and comprehensively provides its clients in the field of technical tax; provides consultancy services for tax restructuring of companies, tax examinations and transfer pricing.
Labor and Social Security LawTunca Attorney Partnership, in collaboration with the client's human resources and other relevant departments, provides legal counseling services in the process of tracking disputes arising from the beginning of the employment process to the termination of the employment contract and subsequently the labor receivables.
Law on the Protection of Personal DataTunca Attorney Partnership carries out extensive training and information studies and prepares the necessary documentation in order to fully inform its clients about the legislation and practice regarding the Law on Protection of Personal Data, to fulfill the technical and legal regulations stipulated in the law, and thus to protect their clients from possible administrative sanctions to be applied.
International Commercial Arbitration & Investment ArbitrationTunca Attorney Partnership ensures effective management of the arbitration process of disputes at national and international level to which the companies it represents are a party. In this context, Tunca Attorney Partnership manages the process by acting as the deputy of the companies it represents both in the institutional arbitration processes carried out by international institutions such as the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the London International Arbitration Court (LCIA) and in the ad hoc arbitration procedure.
Uzman Arabulucular
Tüketici Hukuku Uzman Arabulucu
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Tunca Avukatlık Ortaklığı & Net Sıfır Emisyon Hedefi 2025Read More
Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Çerçevesinde Sosyal Sigortalar ve Genel Sağlık Sigortası Kanunu ile Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair KanunRead More
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Anayasa Mahkemesinin 18.09.2024 Tarihli Tıbbi İhmale İlişkin Kararı HakkındaRead More
Tunca Attorney Partnership Has Been Listed in LEGAL 500 Turkey 2024 EMEA in 3 Separate Fields!Tunca Attorney Partnership Has Been Listed in LEGAL 500 Turkey 2024 EMEA in 3 Separate Fields!Read More
Tunca Attorney Partnership at Chambers & Partners Europe 2024unca Avukatlık Ortaklığı Chambers & Partners Avrupa 2023 Listesinde!
Ulusal ve uluslararası alanda başarılarını sürdüren Tunca Avukatlık Ortaklığı, dünya çapında üst düzey hukuk firmalarını derecelendiren İngiltere merkezli Chambers & Partners tarafından hazırlanan listede, Enerji & Proje alanında Avrupa’nın önde gelen hukuk firmaları arasında yerini aldı.
Bu başarının mimarı olan başta değerli avukatlarımız ve stajyerlerimiz olmak üzere, tüm ekibimizle, bu güzel haberi sizinle paylaşmaktan gurur ve mutluluk duyarız.
We are honored to inform you that through achieving substantial accomplishments in the national and international arena, Tunca Attorney Partnership has taken its place among the leading law firms of Europe in the field of Energy & Project in the list prepared by Chambers & Partners, which is one of the top international legal ranking firms of the world.
We sincerely thank our entire team, especially our esteemed attorneys and legal interns, who are the architects of this success, and we are proud and happy to share our success with you.Read More
The Legal 500 Ankara GC SummitRead More
Tunca Attorney Partnership Has Been Listed in LEGAL 500 Turkey 2023 EMEA in 3 Separate Fields!Tunca Attorney Partnership Has Been Listed in LEGAL 500 Turkey 2023 EMEA in 3 Separate Fields!Read More
Tunca Attorney Partnership at Chambers & Partners Europe 2023We are honored to inform you that through achieving substantial accomplishments in the national and international arena, Tunca Attorney Partnership has taken its place among the leading law firms of Europe in the field of Energy & Project in the list prepared by Chambers & Partners, which is one of the top international legal ranking firms of the world.Read More
The theater play 'Not Now, Darling', exhibited by Ankara Bar Association's Theatre Society!The theater play 'Not Now, Darling', exhibited by Ankara Bar Association's Theatre Society and staged at National Theatre's "Küçük Tiyatro" Stage, was exhibited for the enjoyment of its viewers on June 27th with Tunca Attorney Partnership's endoresement.Read More
On United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (the Singapore Convention)United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation which is also known as “the Singapore Convention” (hereinafter shall be referred as “the Convention”) is drafted by UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) to facilitate international trade and commerce by enabling disputing parties to easily enforce and invoke settlement agreements across borders.Read More
The Decision of the Constitutional Court dated March 10, 2022, on the Violation of the Right to Personal Data Protection by the Work Shift Follow-Up via FingerprintOn April 19, 2022 the decision (“Decision”) of the Constitutional Court (“CC”) dated March 10, 2022, to the application with the Registration No. 2018/11988 on the violation of the right to personal data protection by the work shift follow-up with the help of fingerprint was published in the Official Gazette.Read More
Tunca Attorney Partnership has been Listed in LEGAL 500 Turkey 2022 EMEA!Tunca Attorney Partnership Has Been Listed in LEGAL 500 Turkey 2022 EMEA in 3 Separate Fields!Read More
8th of March International Women’s Day PanelWe organized the “8th of March International Women’s Day Panel” in cooperation with the Flying Broom Foundation, which was held on the 4th of March 2022 in the Erimtan Archaeology and Arts Museum.Read More
Paint Law to Orange EventAs Tunca Attorney Partnership, we organized the “Paint the Law Orange” event in cooperation with the Flying Broom Foundation.Read More
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